Sunday, May 04, 2008

More airline "security"

Okay, so we know that the TSA (Thick Skulled Assholes) is worthless. They're great at harassing owners of Macbook Air laptops while letting bomb components and guns through. But at least we have air marshals on most flights now, right?

Err. Not necessarily. Seems that some air marshals are on the no-fly list and have been denied boarding by the airlines.

GAH! The stupid! It burns! It burns! (And oh, if these federal law enforcement officers can't get their names off the no-fly list, what chance do normal civilians like you or I have? I'm just glad I have a very ordinary English name rather than something exotic!).

-- Badtux the Flightless Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Not some standard name like, David Nelson or Edward Kennedy, because both names are on the no-fly list. Those idiots have aliases on the no-fly list. Criminals use very common names, names that generate a huge number of hits, to avoid problems. If you get a hundred responses, and 20 are in the right age range, a name check is worthless.

    There have to be close to a million names on that list, so a common name is no protection. They will get your sippy cup and pudding because they can.


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