Sunday, May 11, 2008


The Mighty Catloaf and Mencken chillin' on the futon. Yeah, I finally took that natty old quilt off the futon and sent it to its great reward in the trashbin down the driveway (it had pieces of cloth pulling out and was losing its stuffing thanks to all the wear and tear of the cats using it as their personal playtoy).

And yeah, I know this is the third cat pic I've posted in the past three days. It's my birthday and I'll cat blog if I want to. So there :P.

-- Badtux the Cat-blogging Penguin


  1. Well you old fart, Happy Birthday. I'll tip one for you this evening. We can't fix nothing so we may as well drink something.

    It's okay to get older, just don't get fatter. I'm still a slim and trim 165 pounds of fighting fury. Just don't feel like fighting anyone.

  2. well happy birthday, you penguin.

    even the cats are awake for it


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