Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Gah! The stupid! It burns! It burns!

A substitute teacher in Pasco County, Florida did a few simple little magic tricks in class, and was summoned to the office and dismissed. The reason? No, not deviating from the curriculum (though I suspect magic tricks aren't part of the curriculum). Rather... wizardry.

Yes, wizardry. As in, Harry Potter hocus pocus real magic, not just misdirection tricks. Apparently school administrators in Florida think that, well, magic is real, and that there really are, like, wizards who can, like, encant something and shoot lightning out of their fingers or fly or shit like that.

Too bad he isn't a computer geek. There, being accused of wizardry means automatic hire. I mean, who wouldn't want a computer wizard on staff? On the other hand, I'm starting to get a sneaking suspicion about the front office people here at the slave workings. After all, we have a CEO who can't even figure out how to work a toilet plunger. What are the chances he has the slightest clue what us computer geeks are actually doing back here in our quarter of the building? Maybe he thinks we have, like, this giant vat of newt's ears and frog's warts and shit that we all stand around stirring as it bubbles, chanting encantations to the computer gods or somethin'. Hmm...

-- Badtux the Wizardly Penguin


  1. Florida drank the Republicrook Kool-Aid and now has no money for public schools. One way to cut costs is to eliminate subs and force tenured teachers to give up breaks and lunches to cover. Funny, I assume that charter skools will still receive money. Especially the ones that are 99 and 99/100s white.


  2. Darn it. Quit giving away all of our computer secrets!



  3. Look, I'll be the first to admit that Monty Python and the Holy Grail is the funniest movie ever, but that doesn't mean that Sir Bedevere should be running the schools.

  4. Apparently Pasco County lacks a duck :-}.

    - Badtux the Python-watchin' Penguin
    (About to watch "The Life of Brian" again)

  5. So this is why Fark has a Florida tag...


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