Sunday, May 04, 2008

Warm furry kitties

My Linux box is backing up to a USB drive right now so that I can install the latest Ubuntu, and the living room floor is drying after I shampooed it to get rid of some of the cat barf. One room down, two to go (dining room and bedroom). I'm on my bed with macbook on my belly right now and one purring kitty kneeding my jeans and the other leaning against my side sleeping. Life is good.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Yea , cats are good friends . Fell asleep the other night with a cat on my pillow . She was so close to my ear that she became an ear plug to my wife's snoring . I slept like a log with my cat purring in my ear . The dogs run when she snores , the cat comes to protect me .
    the well rested w3ski


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