Thursday, May 29, 2008

Signing up for the military makes you perfect

And nobody can question your judgement if you sign up for the military, because, like, signing up for the military means you're automatically a saint.

So remember, boys and girls. If you're a nasty, bad-tempered idiot who has poor judgement, all you have to do is sign up for the military. Then nobody can ever criticize you for being a nasty, bad-tempered idiot who has poor judgement, because, well, all that automatically goes away once you put on that uniform.

Alrighty, then!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
Who doesn't notice that he became appreciably more saintly when he waddled through the recruiter's door, but... (shrug).


  1. It's true.

    And when you die in a war based on lies, all your funeral will be about is that war, that life, that military service, that distinct time in your life. It will be as if the deceased never existed prior to enlisting. The funeral will be one big happy spanking commercial for the good old U. S. of A. Sisters of dead brothers wearing peace symbols and crying about what a waste it all is will be silenced by the plethora of military personnel present at the funeral. It doesn't matter if they actually knew the deceased. Got a uniform? You're in, and your opinion automatically matters more than that of the family members who knew the deceased from the day he was born.

    Trust me on this one.

  2. I guess this comes from having a volunteer army. That's possibly the only argument for a draft (which we have here and which I strongly oppose): the citizenry has less illusions about the military, since much of it has experienced it. Over here, people who re-enlist (officers, basically) are often met with snorts of derision, as people who couldn't find anything better to do with their lives.


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