Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Shedding season

It has been brought to my attention that, for some cat owners, this is "shedding season". I am stumped as to what that means. Does that have something to do with building sheds?

There has been an insinuation that "shedding season" may instead have something to do with cats shedding their fur coats. I categorically reject that insinuation. I vacuum my apartment without fail every week. And every week, I vacuum up a full vacuum cleaner canister of cat fur, regardless of time of year. It is my belief that The Mighty Fang and Mencken, if there were a cat Olympics, would win at least a bronze in the Shorthair Shedding category. But season? Bwhahah! All year long is shedding season for these guys!

-- Badtux the Furry Penguin (but it's not MY fur!)


  1. be glad you're a cat owned penguin. imagine what this time of year does to those of us who share living space with german shepherds and golden retrievers. . .

  2. At least you don't have a couple dogs man.


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