Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ah, blessed relief

The lease on my iceberg dock is secured for another year. The renewal letter had a rate on it that was above market rate. The leasing agent swiftly knocked it down to market rate (as verified online with their own advertising), at which point I signed. My rent went up by $25 a month, but that's less than 2% and inflation has definitely been more than 2% over the past year, so...

Of course, while inflation has happened over the last year, my paycheck hasn't gone up a bit. My suspicions are raised. Oh well. After last year's 30% payraise, I'm certainly not hurting, and if my current employer does go under I doubt I'll have a problem getting another job. Not too many Linux penguins out there who've been around since pretty much the beginning and thus know where all the skeletons are buried in Linux...

-- Badtux the Geeky Penguin


  1. Congrats my feathered friend . Both on the lease and being a Penguin of Distinction . Nice to be needed in todays job market and to have a comfortable nest for you and your Feline companions .

  2. Everything seems to increase in price. Today, one of my neighbors was complaining about the increase of rent every year. I pointed out that we actually don't have an increase every year, it just seems like it. I also pointed out at the properties beyond that have a much higher rental price. Good that you have your renewal secured for the year.


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