Friday, May 16, 2008

Dear Diary

  • Python. WONDERFUL language. It's *SANE*. Everything is an object. Not a pseudo-object hash "blessed" to be an object. Not syntactic sugar on top of a "C" struct with a jump table appended to an end. A by-god *object*. A class? It's an object, so you can assign it to a variable to use as instantiators for other objects. A subroutine? It's an object. Referencing an object is as simple as naming it. Dereferencing an executable object (a class or function) is as simple as adding parentheses with its arguments to the end. GAH! THE SANITY! IT OVERJOYS! IT OVERJOYS!
  • Comcast. I finally got around to gathering up all the info needed to kick the virus-riddled computers off my building's subnet, including fragments of a tcpdump showing their port scanning activities and IP addresses, and forwarded it up the chain. They acted *quick*. Said computers are now gone (or fixed), and my Internet works *great*. Yay!
  • Slider's. Small hole-in-the-wall burger place on San Carlos street in San Jose. *Great* burgers. *BIG* burgers (sorry, they don't sell sliders -- good riddance, I say). And they have a fixin's bar so you can add whatever toppings you want -- or not. I ate their smallest burger there tonight (I was in the neighborhood looking at apartments as part of my yearly penguin iceberg migration, though I have decided to migrate back to my current iceberg dock). I am *stuffed*. And penguins are big eaters, lemme tell ya. I can't figure out why this place wasn't packed on a Friday night. Huh.
Gotta go, time to watch Monty Python The Life of Brian, part of which is a documentary about the progressive movement in the United States.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

1 comment:

  1. Yes, that is a good summary of what The Life of Brian is about.


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