Friday, May 23, 2008

My name is Badtux and I am an addict

If I put dried veggies on top of the double-chocolate muffins, does that make them healthy?

-- Badtux the Chocoholic Penguin


  1. I think the dried veggies would find the chocolate very healthy.

  2. You mean Chocolate isn't " the " source of vitamin C ?

  3. No, and it ruins a perfectly good muffin. Silly penguin.

  4. According to the latest research from the Hershey-Nestlé Health Institute and Whitman University, those will be some the healthiest veggies ever.

    Actually dark chocolate is very good for the cardiovascular system.

  5. Well darn. So my double-chocolate muffins will NOT be made healthy just by topping them with crushed dried veggies. Well piffle. Guess I'll just have to top them with dark semi-sweet chocolate chips and eat them with chocolate milk. And nutritionists weep....

    -- Badtux the Addict Penguin

  6. Ummmmm , sounds Great . No one can say Penguins don't eat Good Stuff .

  7. eat them separately,,,,then it counts twice for food

  8. dude! chocolate is one of the four basic food groups.

  9. *I* thought the four basic food groups were cookies, cakes, candies, and pies.

    Chocolate is, of course, an integral part of all of them.

  10. ah yes. i stand corrected. muffins must fall under the heading cakes i take it?

  11. What muffins?

    -- Badtux the Now-fatter Penguin


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