Thursday, May 08, 2008

Well, well, well

Border vigilantes whining about the darkie menace and how we must kill all the darkies who want to enter America in order to keep them from contaminating our nation's vital bodily fluids have... neo-Nazi connections.

Color this penguin black, white, yellow, and unsurprised.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Uh , err , wasn't the good ole USA
    ' founded ' by immigrants from other countries ?
    Seems sooo dumb to be upset about immigrants , when we all are .

  2. But w3ski, those were good hard-working white Europeans, not, well, darkies. See, e.g., Hillary Clinton's recent KKK-lite eruption where she showed her age (she's 60 years old -- she grew up to adulthood in segregation-era America). These folks just plain don't think brown-skinned people are, well, people. It's enough to make a multi-colored people sad :-(.

    - Badtux the Saddened Penguin


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