Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The End is Near

Bush Administration makes deal to sell nuclear reactors to Saudi Arabia. While some commentators make hasty conclusions about Saudi Arabia wanting to develop nuclear weapons, there is a much, much simpler explanation: The end is near.

The problem is that Saudi Arabia's oil fields are on their last legs, and what little oil hasn't been pumped yet has to be sold in order to finance whatever is going to replace oil as Saudi Arabia's energy source. While much of Saudi Arabia is desert and thus well suited for solar power, the problem is that deserts lack, well, water (duh!). So Saudi Arabia has been building desalination plants in order to provide water for their growing and thirsty population. And desalination plants require a *lot* of energy -- paving all of Saudi Arabia with solar panels would provide enough energy to maybe desalinate enough water for a million people. And in case you haven't noticed, Saudi Arabia has a population of over TWENTY-SEVEN MILLION PEOPLE. All of whom require water in order to live.

So clearly solar lacks the energy density to provide for Saudi Arabia's water needs. Given that, the Saudis have few options for replacing their current gas-fired power plants as the natural gas runs out (which is already happening -- the Saudis are pumping salt water at full speed into their oil reservoirs in order to increase the pressure in order to force the remaining oil to the surface, which means that the natural gas pressure which used to be providing that force is now *gone*). Saudi Arabia has no coal, so that isn't going to do the job. So nuclear energy is the logical next step for them -- and indeed they've been talking for years about building a gigantic nuclear desalination plant. And if it is a light water reactor properly designed and properly monitored by the IAEA (so that rods cannot be short-cycled -- you must short-cycle rods in order to extract Pu-239 for bombs, otherwise it picks up more neutrons and becomes isotopes not usable for bombs), it is not a particularly large proliferation threat.

All of these arguments also apply to Iran, of course. But oooh, I forget, Eye-ran EEEEvilll. Saudi Arabia GOOOOOOOD. Even though women are slaves in Saudi Arabia who aren't allowed any advanced education and aren't even allowed to fuckin' *drive*, while 50% of Iranian university enrollment is women as are 40% of their doctors. Tells ya just how much our ruling elite values women's rights... first they overthrew the only regime in the region which guaranteed full rights to women (Saddam's secular Baathist regime), and then they target the regime that is the next-most-congenial place for women in the region? Pathetic. Simply pathetic.

- Badtux the Energy Penguin


  1. and 17 of the 19 hijackers were from. . .hmmmmm. . .oh yeah, the same saudi fucking arabia we are helping to go nuke.

  2. How come the " End Of Times " / right wing nutjobs Don't get all bent out of shape over this kind of stuff ?
    Saudis with nukes seem much scarier than a bunch of earthquakes and floods ! At least natural disasters don't have 500,000 year ' half life's '
    PS and love the way our country doesn't support despots , sometimes .


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