Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Uppity old people probably kick dogs too

So the right-wingnuts are going to try to do the same thing to the AARP that they did to John Kerry -- smear them with bullshit. Here's their latest hilarious attempt to do so:

Well gosh darn it, I didn't know that the AARP hated our soldiers and loved gay marriage! Here I was, thinking that they were concerned about, like, OLD PEOPLE. But maybe that's the point -- those old people hate America. Why, when those jets hit the twin towers I bet they were out there in the streets shouting and celebrating and waving their canes in the air and running people down with their Rascals!

So remember, boys and girls. Osama bin Laden isn't the real enemy of America. It's those pesky old people! So, how long you think it'll be before Attorney General Abu "I Love Torture" Gonzales writes a legal opinion in support of rounding up those pesky old people and sending them to detention camps "for the duration"?

- Badtux the non-elderly Penguin


  1. Man, that AARP thing is all over the place. Keep up in your fight, flippered one.

  2. They kick dogs so they can steal their food!


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