Ah yes, the War on Fun(tm) -- where somebody, somewhere, has his religious sensibilities offended because somebody else is having fun (gasp! Heresy!). And then wants the full power of the state to put a stop to it, dag nab it, them young folks ain't s'posed to be having fun, next thing you know, they might even think they have the right to free speech or somethin', the gall of them youngsters! The State of Arizona is the latest gang joining the War on Fun(tm). It seems that some pharmacist, somewhere, was mortally offended by the possibility of (gasp) DOING HIS JOB! Saying, look, giving prescribed medicine to somebody offends my religious sensibilities, which says that having fun is sin. So the State of Arizona helpfully is going to tell this pharmacist, "look, you don't have to do your job if it offends your precious sensibilities".
What next -- Jewish butchers will get a special law allowing them to not butcher pigs because pigs are "unclean" in their religion? Muslims will be allowed to skip work on Fridays because Friday is a holy day in their religion? Err, ooops, sorry, no, this is the United States of America, and unless you're an offended right wing nutcase refusing to do the job you were hired to do, you don't deserve equal protection under the law, dag nab it!
Have you ever noticed that these fascist nutcases are always whining about "personal responsibility", but never exercise any? If you can't do the job you were hired to do because it offends your religious sensibilities, QUIT THAT JOB. My God, Mr. and Mrs. Right Wing Nutcase, take personal responsibility for your life! Quit trying to make Big Brother protect your offended sensibilities. What a bunch of whiners...
But I forget: personal responsibility isn't the point. The point is that someone, somewhere, is having fun. And we can't have that in the Ten Commandments States of America, can we? Right? Right?!
- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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