Friday, February 11, 2005

Torture, USA style

The Heretik says: By sad experience, The Heretik knows torture is bad for the victim, worse for the soul of the perpetrator, and worst by far for the society that allows it. Then is asked the question: How in the world did we become a country in which gays' getting married is considered an abomination, but torture is O.K.?

Oh dear, naive Heretik! Look, Joe Bigot American doesn't care what's done to "those" people. You know, THOSE people. Suspiciously brown? Ain't good right-thinkin' Republicans like Joe Bigot? Belong to one of them funny religions that the preacher man sez is all goin' ta hell? Talk some funny gabble talk instead of, like, American, like REAL people? So of COURSE Joe Bigot American don't give a shit that as we speak people are being tortured on behest of the American government. If it ain't him or his own, he just don't give a damn.

But homosexuality... why, them evil faggots might, like, convert his own sons or daughters into swishy fellers or butch gals if they're given equal rights! At least, that's what the preacher man sez, and shorely a man of God wouldn't lie, right? Right?!

In other words, it's because homosexuality hits the American bigot at home, while torture doesn't. The American bigot doesn't care what happens to OTHER people, as long as it doesn't happen to him or his own. Homosexuality might happen to one of his own. Torture almost certainly won't (except for the minority of Americans who are suspiciously dusky-colored, y'know?). As with Germany in 1939, the majority of Americans have no problem with torture, as long as it only happens to untermenschen and not to fine upstanding citizens like them.

- Badtux the Cynical Penguin

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