Monday, June 30, 2008

The truth that cannot be stated

General Wesley Clark had the gall to state that John McCain's military experience had nothing to do with his qualifications for President. As ABC's Rick Klein was quick to point out, big mistake.

Rick Klein is right. The truth -- that spending 5 years getting tortured in a POW camp qualifies you for a lifetime of physical and psychological therapy and permanent disability payments from the Navy, not for President -- simply cannot be stated. Because people who state the truth will always get shot down by Johnny McCain's cronies in the press corps, who he seems to have bought off with barbecues and "straight talk".

Truth? The American public -- and the American press -- can't handle the truth. More lies, please! We need lies, give us lies, we need more, more, more!

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. And then McCain trotted out a member of the "Swift Boat Veterans for Truth" to defend him! Amazing gall to attack a true statement with a liar.

    Actually, looking at McCain's record of constant flip-flops on just about every issue he's touched, you do wonder if he's all there. Here's another list of flip-flops, most with no explanation or even acknowledgment that he changed his position. Just like the GI bill he was against but supported even though he wasn't there for the vote.

    Also, remember his whacked opinion that a certain Baghdad market was safe when he visited with 100 troops and 5 helicopters. That's not a man with his feet planted in reality.


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