Monday, June 16, 2008

John McCain's family values

When he came home from Vietnam to find that his wife was disabled, John McCain divorced her and married an heiress twenty years his junior. H. Ross Perot, who paid Carol McCain's medical bills all those years ago while McCain was a POW, now believes that both Carol McCain and the American people have been taken in by a man who is unusually slick and cruel – even by the standards of modern politics.

"McCain is the classic opportunist. He’s always reaching for attention and glory," he said.

"After he came home, Carol walked with a limp. So he threw her over for a poster girl with big money from Arizona. And the rest is history."

Republican family values, yessiree.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. 'Twill be interesting to see how much play THIS aspect of McSame's life gets in the free-est press in the world, America's! If John Kerry had dumped his wife in that way, do you think it would only be reported in British media? The Daily Mail story has been mentioned a lot by the left-wing talkers on Nova-M Radio (we download podcasts here to stay on top of American politics) but I haven't seen anything like it in the online American print media I monitor.

  2. Doesn't surprise me one bit.

    I've heard that story before, as she lived in Virginia Beach, where my son lives. The funny thing that she still admires and supports her former husband.

    He will be more admired by the U.S. for having a beautiful wife (and her money) than by having an ounce of humanity or obeying his wedding vows.

    Maybe his vow was "in Health and in Beauty, for rich or richer...."

  3. Doesn't seem like a very noble thing to do.

    Under the principle of charity, I have read that the marriage was rocky before he spent 6 years in captivity, something probably not good for nurturing any human qualities.

    Who can guess why the ex-wife still admires him. Probably b/c she admires him objectively, and appreciates his financial help.

    Probably b/c her self-esteem was taken down several notches after her disfigurement, a much more profound loss for a pretty young wife than a hero fighter, who is supposed to have scars. Victims can become quite appreciative for crumbs.

  4. Who can say what happens to someone after being in a prison camp for 5 years?
    I wouldn't be too sure if he was ready to be nursemaid(as cruel as that may sound)being he probably needed some nursing himself.
    Besides he wasn't in politics then so does the fact that he did this would it have been more excusable that he run under the democratic ticket?

  5. Congratulations to all of you that can look into the soul of a person and determine the reasons for their actions. That's a trait I'd like to have.

    I don't know why he divorced his first wife, my guess is that being held as a prisoner of war may have been a contributing factor. Whatever the reason, let's also ignore the fact that he helped his second wife through a debilitating stroke.

  6. Google Jim Hensley, Cindy's father, then Kemper Marley (no relation to Bob).

    Quite the sordid history of AZ politics.

    And yes, Cindy McCain did steal drugs from her own charity.


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