Sunday, June 15, 2008

Shrinking pants

What's up with this? All my jeans seem to have shrunk! And when I went to buy some new ones, they seem to have all been pre-shrunk too, so I had to buy the next bigger waist size and a belt to match!

Sigh. Young whippersnappers.

-- Badtux the Elderly Rotund Penguin


  1. Sounds like you may have to ease up on the herring in cream sauce, old man.

  2. I keep telling myself it's because I buy cheap clothes. A chinese size 14 fits my size ten sister. Seriously.

  3. with all the floods going on you never know when you will need flood pants

  4. Wht else do you expect when you do oral research on frozen pizzas???

  5. Clothing manufacturers are now global and the wages suck so much that there is no more reduction. One way of keeping profits high is to cut closer during the process. One pair of jeans for WalGod will not do anything statistically significant. Two million pairs of jeans with about an inch less fabric means Mercedes for me and the mistress. Our glorious kapitalist government allows a range of fir for each size. Oddly enough, I have yet to find any instance of oversizing.


  6. Well, I'm 65 in two weeks and I still wear a 33 waist so if you let it get bigger it's because you eat too much and don't get enough exercise.

    Not that I know what your waist size is, but mind has been the same for the last 20 years.

  7. bbc has obviously never experienced the pleasures of taking psychiatric meds that cause you to gain 30 lbs., even though you exercise daily and mind your diet.

    There simply is no other reason that I can think of for such an uppity tone.

  8. Are you sure it's the pants, BT? Be honest...

  9. Could be because you washed them in hot water and then tumble-dried them. Washing and drying clothes frequently makes them shrink. The best solution to this problem, of course, is to never wash your clothes. An added benefit is that you encounter less obnoxious people (Well, ok, so you will continue to encounter obnoxious people; it's just that you'll encounter them from 50 feet away!). ;-)


  10. Montag, I think you have a point :-(. Too much herring in cream sauce. Sigh.

    Laura, BBC is a bitter old man who gains satisfaction only by using that uppity (dare I say "bitchy"? Yes I dare!) tone.

    Dave, reminds me of the stories about Seldom Seen Slim, a hermit and miner of the northern Mojave desert who didn't believe in taking baths because it was a "waste of water". The joke around Trona, the nearest town and the only place Slim ever went to shop, was that Slim was seldom seen but often smelled. When he went into the grocery store, the side of the store he was on would slowly empty out as everybody moved to the other side of the store to get away from the smell. But it didn't seem to affect his health any. Even with his lifelong tobacco addiction (the ever-present pipe), still didn't stop him from getting on to age 87 before dying... Still, that would remind me too much of my early years in a hovel on the wrong side of the tracks, thus I believe I shall skip that otherwise excellent advice. You do not know the joys of hot running water falling out of a shower head unless you grew up without it.

    - Badtux the Rotund Penguin


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