Sunday, June 15, 2008

A reminder

John McCain has never worked for a living in the private sector for his entire life. He's always been on the government payroll, first when he was in the military, then when he used his (second) wife's money to buy a government position.

John McCain has never had to worry about health insurance or health care his entire life. He has received government health care from birth. He received government health care from the U.S. military as a child (due to his father being in the military) and continued receiving it after he joined the mlitary until he retired from the military. He has received government health care from the U.S. congressional health plan ever since then, and when(if) he ever retires he will receive government health care from Medicare.

John McCain doesn't know what it's like for ordinary people to struggle to pay for health care because he's never had to do so. John McCain doesn't know what it's like for ordinary people in non-government jobs to struggle during bad economic periods because he's never had to do so. For John McCain -- a man who has never had to pay for his own health care -- to claim that the solution to America's health care crisis is "more free market" is like a blind man claiming that Impressionism is a more valid school of art than Expressionism. John McCain is like a blind man who has never seen private health care yet feels qualified to tell you what it is. Why should anybody listen to this old hypocrite?

-- Badtux the Politics Penguin


  1. john mccain - everything that is wrong with america

  2. But -- but -- but -- He's a MAVERICK! And he's a WAR HERO! And he's NOT A GAY DEMOCRAT MUSLIM!!!!

    People who think like THAT are who's voting for McSame. Are there enough of them to make cheating an electoral victory plausible? I don't think so, but I didn't think there were enough waterheads to make it plausible for Bush to "defeat" Kerry. When I saw there were, I lost faith and moved on...

  3. And don't forget that he gets a 100% disability pension from the VA because of "mobility issues related to his time as a POW"...which, oddly, as he claims to be in perfect health to be President, seems crazy to me. Guys coming back w/o legs or with permanent brain damage are not being granted a 100% rating nowadays.

  4. He is retired military with a 100% disability who has been in the Medicare system since 65. He pays zero, zip, nada for medical care. What Medicare doesn't cover is covered by the VA or Tricare. He can get all medicines for free at a military pharmacy, or a $3 [generic] or $9 co-pay at any pharmacy. He has access to all military, VA, and civilian hospitals.

    His wife's coverage is not quite as total, but she has her own resources.

    His wife will receive a VA widow's pension if he dies, even though she is worth $100 megabucks.

  5. I just happened upon your site this morning, and have been reading every post since! I love it, and have put a link from my blog.
    Thanks for some great reading!


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