Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Shorter me

To summarize my previous posting:

Obama, as the offspring of a black man and a white woman, isn't black. He isn't white. What he is, ladies and gentlemen, is American.

'Nuff said.

-- Badtux the Shorter Penguin

1 comment:

  1. The more we try to show how color-blind we are as a nation, the more we show our bigoted we are.

    It is our natural instinct to be a little more comfortable with our own kind, those that look and act like the same as we do.

    Only with the power of knowledge and experience can we erase the walls we put up to those that are different and create a healthy diversity of personalities not based on superficial appearances, strengths or weaknesses.

    Obama, using his racial background as a political tool, is as much a racist as those who would judge (good or bad) him by his racial background.


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