Thursday, June 12, 2008

An education in lying

That's the education that students at El Camino High School in Oceanside, California got. The notion that lying to students is how you teach them is just... all too Soviet.

We know who really won the Cold War, hmm?

But these administrators inadvertently did these kids a favor. Many young people believe authority figures when authority figures tell them something. Now these kids know that authority figures are just as big of liars as anybody else, thereby teaching them a lesson they'll never forget. Way to go, administrators!

-- Badtux the Sovok Penguin


  1. Many young people believe authority figures when authority figures tell them something.

    They should be able to believe them, I did when I was young, what else are you to do? The youth need mentors, too bad most of them are full of bullshit and we have to try to unbrainwash ourselves later.

  2. Nothing to do with this post but if the geek monkeys would just get over fast acceleration and high speeds they could make a cycle that gets close to five hundred MPG.

    The same is true with automobiles, we really don't need to be going over 60 MPH yet most rigs will do at least a 100.

    I like to drive about 40 MPH myself, and enjoy the view. Not that I was always like that.

  3. A 125cc motorcycle will go about 60mph top speed, and gets about 80mpg. A 50cc scooter will go about 35mph top speed, and get about 120mpg. So you're off by a factor of five. Certainly a smaller/slower bike will get better mpg, but not 500mpg. Not without you doing a lot of pedalling to help it along, anyhow :-).

    - Badtux the Helpful Motorbike Penguin

  4. Well, BBC, young folks ought to gather information from a variety of sources and use logic and reason to figure out what to believe, rather than believing authority figures.

    I realize that this is a subversive idea (critical thinking? GASP!), and is outlawed in most schools today (you're not supposed to think about what is on the standardized tests that you're required to take, you're supposed to regurgitate, but so it goes. That is why the United States is now a second-rate nation with a first-rate military -- and why I am the only American-born employee in my company's engineering department. Americans just don't know how to think anymore... they just regurgitate whatever their authority figures tell them to believe. Sigh.

    - Badtux the Thinking Penguin

  5. Once was a high school show where a teacher waved a gun around and shot it to teach the children. If it had been my school I would have watched and after he fired and it was obvious that the pistol wasn't real - I would have walked out for the day, telling him that his butt was mine - what a fool. The shock value they wanted must be resisted - they must pay for playing with children.

  6. So the pendulum swings. How long before we're back in the 1960s again?

    Strangely, just yesterday I was reading part of Abbie Hoffman's "Steal This Book":



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