Saturday, June 21, 2008


Man, it was hot today... got up to 103F at the San Jose airport, but was around 98-99 locally. I rode the KLR up to the City to check out a motorcycle shop that carries stuff the local shops don't carry, and bought a new mesh jacket while I was there. My old Joe Rocket mesh jacket offers little more protection than a t-shirt, the new one has 500 denier Cordura nylon on all the wear points so it offers okay, though not superb, protection. It is a startling hi-viz yellow too. Visible is good if you're on a motorcycle!

So anyhow, I put about 100 miles on the ole' KLR today plus time spent trying on motorcycle riding gear in an un-airconditioned warehouse in San Francisco (look, San Francisco is supposed to be *cool*, who knew it'd ever be 90F in San Francisco?!), and am just utterly wiped out because of the heat. Well, that and the fact that the KLR vibrates worse than a garbage truck when you push it at high speeds down the freeway. I need to do something about that, but first I need to get the V-Strom kitted out, because it's going to require taking the engine apart and until my Givi side-racks come in so I can put luggage on the V-Strom, my good ole' Green Mule is the only motorcycle I have that can haul lotsa stuff. So I'm going to bed. Gnite!

-- Badtux the Overheated Penguin

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