Monday, June 16, 2008

Does this make me a bad penguin?

Police officer shoots, kills, man who stomped and pounded toddler to death. Does it make me a bad penguin to wish a medal upon that police officer?

-- Badtux the Questioning Penguin


  1. It makes you a human penguin, which is kinda scary now that I think about it.

  2. Link doesn't work.

    No, but you might enjoy a Dirty Harry extravaganza.

    Haven't read the story, but if the officer witnessed it (why did he allow it?), then it was like a crime of passion for him.

    However, in our society, even brute maniacs get the benefit of a trial. If the evidence is incontrovertible, then he gets convicted. The only problem I have with the process is the drawn out appeals process. If the evidence is solid, convict and sentence.

  3. The officer was a helicopter cop, the nearest other cop was 5 minutes away. The only place to set down was on the other side of a fence. He couldn't get through the fence. He saw a perp beating a toddler. He yelled at the perp to stop. The perp didn't stop.

    So it was a righteous shoot. This wasn't Dirty Harry at all.

    - Badtux the Righteous Penguin

  4. No, it makes you part of a substantial crowd. Apparently, the guy wasn't stopped by bystanders who attempted it, as he was apparently maddened out of reason (drugs?) and the cop had no other way to stopping him. We have 6+ billion folks on this planet---we can do without one who beats children to death.

  5. I don't imagine, regardless of culture or place on the political spectrum, you'll find anyone that thinks this was a bad shoot.


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