Saturday, June 28, 2008

Kitty Yoga

The Mighty Fang, having colonized the box that my skid plate came in, does some kitty yoga. Note that his hind knee is tucked behind his ear... eep!

Yet more proof that cats are a liquid. Unless you're trying to put them into their cat carrier to take them to the vet. At that point they are anything *but* liquid...

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Nothing's more fun than a cat and a box, especially if you're stoned.


  2. Attempting to put one-pound of semi-feral kitten into a carrier designed to comfortably hold an overweight miniature poodle will convince you that cats are the real "transformers", not those mechanical knock-offs.

  3. re liquids... a certain residue fluid is quite often found in cat carriers after visits to the BIG SCARY V.

    K. and four meowsers


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