John McCain's campaign is desperate. They can't run on the issues, because on every issue, John McCain is on the wrong side of what America wants. America wants its soldiers to be well-cared-for, but John McCain spoke out against the new GI Bill while Obama voted for it. America wants better access to health care, but John McCain says that the solution to health care is more free market magic fairy dust (funny, that someone who has had government health care for his entire life would say that, eh?). America wants our soldiers out of Iraq, but McCain wants them to be there for a hundred years. As a result, the McCain campaign has only one strategy right now, which is to run out its surrogates to spread the meme that Obama is a scary nigger who, like, isn't like them (ooh! His skin is dark-colored! Run away, run away!). If you can't run on the issues, apparently McCain feels racism is the way to go.
Now, nigger-baitin' might seem rather, well, old-fashioned, but it's all McCain's folks have come up with so far. Every other idea his team has come up with has been shot down. For example, the notion of having McCain appear on stage with bikini models in order to appeal to average Americans didn't quite work out. He found some typical McCain supporters willing to be bikini models, but, err, ah... well, see for yourself:
Oh well. Maybe next year McCain will figure out something other than racism to run on. Of course, the election will be over next year, but hey, when you're old, time moves faster, eh?
-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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