Sunday, June 01, 2008


The misanthropic Mencken complained, then put his paw over his nose and went back to his usual occupation. The Mighty Fang in his usual sleeping spot. If my kitty cats were any less energetic, they'd be chunks of concrete.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Do they really have the energy to be "misanthropic"?
    or is everything inertia?

  2. They have plenty of energy -- at night, when I'm trying to sleep. At that time they're thundering back and forth up and down the hallway and around and over the bed like a herd of buffalo (you have to remember that these are *not* small cats -- Mencken is the lightest of the two, and he weighs 15 pounds).

    Mencken is the misanthrope. The Mighty Fang is a cuddle-kitty who likes everybody. I'm still amused by his liking for sleeping under my quilt during the day though...

    - Badtux the Cats-owned Penguin

  3. I have one hellcat myself so I know the feeling. Who gets to the fish first you or the cats?

    Off subject, I borrowed (stole) one of your comments to post on my blog. Hope you don't mind.


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