Thursday, June 12, 2008

Help John McCain find a theme song

Seems that Johnny Mac has been having a bit of a bother finding a campaign theme song. Everything he's tried, the owner or writer of the song has thrown a hissy fit.

So let's help Johnny Mac out. Let's nominate some new songs for him to try out as his theme song. I'll start out the lovin' with the following song:

  • Loser, by Beck
Just like his bestest buddy and pal, George W. Bush, yessiree!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Nowhere Man by the Beatles?

  2. I think he should have a number of songs reflecting different policy positions. For example, "I'll be Watching You" (The Police)could go along with his wiretapping policy. "Perfect Sense, Part II" (Roger Waters) for his position on the Iraq War. And so on. The problem is that McCain has so many powerful, even visionary, positions that I wouldn't want to limit his campaign to just one theme song.

  3. McCanetoad wouldn't like it, but when I think of him, a song by the Rev. Billy C. Wirtz comes to mind. Rev. Billy is a satirical Southern boogie-woogie piano player/preacher. He's got a great tune on his Unchained Maladies CD using the titles of well-known rock tunes about an old man who used to get down, but now just yells "Hey you little bastards, get offa my lawn."

    Sample lyrics:

    "I used to kick out the jams,
    and take it just a little bit higher,
    Now that stiarway to heaven's getting harder to climb,
    I gotta rock, roll and retire,
    Get off my cloud is a long time gone,
    And hey you little bastards, get offa my lawn!"

    The humour might be a bit ribald for a refined penguin such as yourself, Badtux, or I'd sugest you buy it if you ever get up to Amoeba Records. Of all the things I miss about S.F., Amoeba is #3 on the list...


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