Saturday, June 28, 2008

Butt cracks and morons

Over on MotoTux, the Penguin talks about proper motorcycle riding gear.

-- Badtux the Motorcyclin' Penguin


  1. Okay, Badtux, got a response to your moto-gear post up at my place, first post, top of the sheet, along with some interesting commentary from Gordon and Buffalo.

    Ya just can't teah an old dog new tricks, LOL!


  2. In years past, when the HarleyPosers cried that they needed to go helmetless to pose the more, those of us who rode more than the town square thought the most wonderful outcome of the end of required helmet use would be the plethora of Darwin Awards that would ensue.


  3. Problem is, Mold, most of'em have already reproduced. Especially all the "Born to be Mild" dentists and lawyers who ride their $30K Harleys from bar to bar while wearin' their colors and do-rags and shit. Can anybody say "Midlife Crisis"?

    -Badtux the Motorcyclin' Penguin

  4. One generation has been blessed with the genes of babydaddy. The next two or three will have to be from some other donor.

    I would not limit the Posers to RUBS. Many of the Poser fraternity had child support judgements and kept the Hoss with the girlfriend. The bike was immaculate. The kids were on school breakfasts and lunches.

    Although the RUBS were 'playing cowboy' with adult clothing, at least they paid their bills.



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