Monday, June 09, 2008

The Inexperienced Mr. Obama

The Vanity Press notes that with 12 years of experience at both state and federal levels, Obama in fact has more government experience than most other Presidents of the past sixty years.

So much for the "lacks experience" lie. He lacks experience compared to John McCain, perhaps. But then, this penguin has lots of experience at running, but nobody will ever expect this penguin to win the Boston Marathon. Seems that experience being, well, wrong, about everything from Iraq to health care to the New GI Bill that McCain voted against, doesn't mean a whole lot, just as experience waddling along with short legs and flippered feet doesn't mean a whole lot when it comes to being even a merely adequate runner :-(.

Meanwhile, John Cole notes that the new Reich Wing slam on Obama is that he "lacks humility". Yassah, that thare nigra be uppitty, yessiree! Why, that nigra art ta just get back to his place, yassah! All the Rethugs have is mildly warmed over racism. I hope it gets stuck in their craw and they all choke to death but that's probably too good a death for hateful bigots.

-- Badtux the Waddling Penguin


  1. I live here in Arizona.

    The majority of the people I know, while they may have GOP leanings, really cannot stand McCain, think he is the wrong choice for this country, and are going to vote for Obama in November.

    I've told 'em that I'm holding them to that.

  2. I get tired of hearing about so called experience. Experience in what? Politics? Hell, they are just a lot of bullshit, a good mommy could run this country better than it's being ran and I think Obama will do the best of any of those nuts that have worked their way to the top of the pile.

    I don't expect him to fix much of anything, just not make them worse.

  3. Indeed, BBC, that's my only real expectation of Obama. We're in the last days of the Empire, and if he really did want to change something, he has to fight an entire entrenched system intent upon taking all of us down with the Empire. He is not, perhaps, in as dire a position as
    Constantine XI Palaiologos during the last days of Byzantium, but the forces moving against us peasants are every bit as inexorable as the Ottoman Turks. So I'm just enjoying life while I can, and hoping Obama can stave off the inevitable for a few more years, because one thing is certain -- McCain will not.

    - Badtux the Apocalyptic Penguin

  4. Hello, Mr Tux.
    What America needs is someone who was against the war from the start-- like Patrick J Buchanan.
    Now there's a change.

  5. Obama was against the war from the start too, I might remind you.

    I actually like Pat. I think some of his notions are wrong (e.g. his opposition to Medicare For All -- if Medicare works for geezers, why not for the rest of us?). He is clearly a product of his generation when it comes to civil rights for minorities and gays too. But he is someone who believes in America rather than some foreign neo-con ideology that has nothing to do with America and Americans, and because of that, on things as widely varying as globalization, outsourcing, and the war on Iraq he has been spot on.

    Not that I'd want him as President -- he told me altogether too much about his beliefs when he last ran for President (in '99) for me to want him as President. But unlike our current leaders, I cannot accuse him of being un-American. I may disagree with him, but that disagreement is respectful. We have different ideas of what's best for America and Americans, but the point is, we both are about what's best for America and Americans -- unlike the current administration, which seems to have done everything in its power to hurt America and Americans.

    - Badtux the Respectful Penguin


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