Friday, June 20, 2008

New definition of an idiot

Someone driving a 3 ton pickup truck who argues with a 10 ton light rail train over who has the right-of-way. Hint: It ain't the pickup truck that wins here. Indeed, the driver is lucky to have gotten out alive, because the train cars have a large steel rod in the front used to link them to other cars in a multi-car trainset.

So when will moron drivers quit making illegal turns in front of trains? Maybe when the monkeys that infest this planet start using their brains as more than potted decorative settings on their tables, maybe. Sigh.

-- Badtux the Well-brained Penguin

1 comment:

  1. I often wonder if things like this don't fall under the category of "chlorine in the gene pool"? But then, most of these idiots have already reproduced...


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