Friday, June 13, 2008

All your duffle are belong to us

The Mighty Fang explores a duffle bag. My apartment complex was re-paving its parking lot and I had to park a half mile away, so I got out this duffle bag and emptied out the junk that was in it so I could go back and haul the rest of my groceries to the apartment. But it suddenly got 18 pounds heavier before I could actually zip it back up and leave...

In a cat-owned home, no open container -- whether box, bag, or duffle -- is yours. It's theirs, all theirs, until they're done with it anyhow.

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. Truer words have never been spoken. No box, bag, or container in our house is exempt from Cat Inspection. Lola in particular loves boxes...the smaller, the better. And you might insist to her that she is just too much of a big girl now to fit in that tiny Amazon box that held's a challenge to her, and she always manages to squeeze in. She has a very strong nesting instinct. It's the mother in her. Lola would have been a terrific, but loud and bitchy and bossy, mother to her kittens. Alas, not to be.

  2. reminds me of another cat owner rule of wisdom- never pull out the suitcase and pack more than 2hrs before you leave, less you find your suitcase and it's contents covered in cathair, or even worse, an unplanned travel partner...


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