Thursday, January 25, 2007

World Nut Daily: Lincoln still lives

That's the headline on the "News burst" they just sent me, anyhow. Wow. That must be harsh, a 250-year-old Lincoln lurching around the countryside with his head blown off by that John Wilkes Boothe dude.

In other news, the UFO's that World Nut Daily was printing (typing?) breathless headlines about turned out to be... uh... phosphorus flares fired from A-10's during a training exercise.

Oh well, guess we aren't going to get to meet our alien overlords after all. Though the following photo might contradict that statement:

Note the Eye Lasers of Death on that model of the T-1240 Klingon Ambassador droid, and the Dominatrix Boots of Domination upon its feet. Woot!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Now I understand why she reminds me of Azetbur...

  2. what do fat chicks and droids have in common?

    they`re fun to ride unless your friends find out....


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