Wednesday, January 24, 2007

State of the union blah blah blah

Left: Bush's entire State of the Union Speech

There's not enough whiskey in the universe to get me to either watch that dumbass or even read the transcript. I spent my evening playing with my kitties and riding my motorcycle (not at the same time!). The kitties are more intellectually stimulating anyhow. Their brains may be the size of walnuts, but that still makes them ten times smarter than the Idiot in Chief.

-- Badtux the Hangover-nursing Penguin


  1. I watched for like 15 mins. then I noticed Lindsay Lohan throwing a fit on VH1. I like my idiots a bit more shapely it seems . . .

  2. No need to read the speech or the text, I'll sum it up for you:

    "Sure, I made a gigantic mess in Iraq, but I don't hear you coming up with a plan to clean up my mess."

  3. Huh. So it looks like I captioned the picture right, then.

  4. pretty much, yes. He also said he wants to screw us over on medical care, SS, and taxes.


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