Tuesday, January 02, 2007

My prediction for the U.S. economy in 2007

A picture is worth a thousand words...

-- Badtux the Prediction Penguin


  1. Bring it on, a bad economy has always been good for me.

  2. What! :O

    We're getting our bathrooms upgraded. Sweet!

    Can I request the olive colored toilet seat, pink isn't really my color.

  3. That's a nice one! Where is it located? (My da does a slideshow lecture on the Passing of the Outhouse, and I'm sending him the link for the pics).

    And I agree with you about the economy. My grocery bill has doubled in the past year, without adding anyone to the family.

  4. I'm not going to tell you where the outhouse is, Georg, just that I spent last week on very isolated Jeep trails around the Death Valley area, and this outhouse is somewhere out there. The fun thing is that it is obviously a) still in use, and b) full of shit, and c) has no door, so everybody can see it's full of shit, but as you can tell from the fresh roll of toilet paper, that doesn't seem to matter to most folks. All in all, when I was going through my pics last night, it seemed quite emblematic of the American economy.

  5. the ol' outhouse, looks the same
    as i sneak off the frieght train
    an' there to meet me is my momma
    with the sherrif
    down the lane i look
    and there comes bessie
    real good cow
    kinda messy

    that's why we got such green, green grass at home

    the ol' outhouse is still standing
    though the paint has chipped and flaked
    and there's that old familiar path
    i used to run

    down the path, i'd run
    i'd sometimes make it
    other times i'd have to fake it

    that's why we got such
    green, green grass
    at home

    all in all, an apt image.

  6. Damn! I have to remeber to duck under something when it hits the fan!

  7. you crack me up!!! thanks!!

  8. The open door guarantees fresh air- and certainly ought to cut down on the smell. And while you are sitting and thinking, you don't have anything interfering with the view.

    Thanks, Badtux.

  9. Hmm...
    1,000 words = 1 kb.
    1 *.jpeg = ? mb.

    Other than that, the post is apt.


  10. When were you in my backyard Tux?


  11. Cheer up Badtux! There's worst things in the world than the economy!


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