Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Internet Exploder 7 and Google ate my posting

I had a beautiful posting about the situation with bomb scares in Miami, and f#$%@# Exploder and Google ate it.

Sorry. It was great. Too bad Google and Microsoft together have the fine breeding and quality of, err, Borat...

Too discouraged to try to resurrect it from scratch. Sigh.

-- Badtux the Discouraged Penguin


  1. Umm, I write my posts in a word document, and then copy/paste. And I keep all those word documents.

  2. but they had to eat it...your words were just too tasty not to.


  3. I started using Firefox with Blogger late in 2005. Haven't lost a post since...

  4. Firefox, si.

    I'm stuck with IE on my laptop because it belongs to work and I can't download Firefox... boo.


  5. Well, I downloaded IE7 because of work -- we need to make sure our product works with IE7. It's not a bad browser, but has its limits, as I found out. I usually use Opera on Windows, because it has even fewer exploits than Firefox.

  6. bad penguin...you should be using firefox....bad bad penguin...

    your posting shall be missed!!

  7. Still using Microsoft Explorer after all these years?

    And who would name a company "Microsoft" except a rich dork with a huge ego and tiny pee-pee?

  8. I use both IE and Firefox, and both at the same time.


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