Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Murkey News furthers right-wing agenda

In today's San Jose Murky News, we find that Yosemite National Park is getting fewer visitors today. They print a lot of speculation about why that's so, but the real reason is buried deep within the article. Hmm, the price of admission to Yosemite rose from $5 in 1990 to $20 today? And visitors are down? Gosh, I wonder why!

Congratulations, Murky News, on being patsies for the right-wing neo-cons who want to price the National Parks out of the reach of ordinary people so that they can sell them off to private enterprise. This is a propaganda campaign they've been trying out for the past ten years -- price the parks out of the range of people who want to see them, claim the parks aren't popular anymore ("people just don't want to go to national parks any more") and then comes the next stage ("since nobody wants to go to national parks any more, we might as well sell them off to our cronies"). The Murky News bought it hook line and sinker and repeated the right-wing line like parrots.

If there is an attendance problem at Yosemite, it can be solved simply by dropping the entrance fees back to 1990 levels (adjusted for inflation). But that won't happen because that would not further the right-wing agenda. And after all, if the Murky News wasn't parroting the right wing agenda, they'd have nothing but blank newsprint!

-- Badtux the Parks Penguin

Cross posted at the Mockingbird's place.


  1. He, he, he... I got a lifetime pass for a ten dollar bill, when I turned 62, and the camp spots are half price.

    And I'm grandfathered even though they recently changed some of that.

    He, he, he. Hell, I don't care if fewer people go to the parks, they are for nature and true nature lovers, not monkeys.

    Just pay your price to get away from it all and them, and be thankful for it. *smiles*

  2. I thought that $20 today was five 1990 dollars adjusted for inflation.

  3. Off topic -- John Kerry did the right thing and decided not to run for President.

  4. nice...nice...geeze, like we're third graders who can't figure out a times table...

    sigh -- will the insanity ever end?


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