Wednesday, January 31, 2007

A modest proposal for dealing with partisan politics

Our so-called "representatives" in Washington spend most of their time trying to figure out what's right for Democrats or what's right for Republicans, not what's right for America and Americans. The result: lots of hooting and howling and feces flinging, and not enough doing what's right.

I have a modest proposal to solve this problem: Ban political parties. Rather than party primaries, have open primaries like in Louisiana, where anybody can run regardless of political party and the top two vote-getters end up in a runoff election even if they're both Democrats or Republicans. Ban mention of political parties on balloting and campaign materials. Add a Constitutional amendment amending the oath of office so that the President swears allegiance to America and Americans and to act in the best interests of America and Americans, not of any other group or organization.

Can't be done, you say? Err, it most definitely has been done in the past. I claim that the Democratic and Republican Parties are a criminal conspiracy against the American public. Given the events of the past six years, can anybody really disagree?

-- Badtux the Independent Penguin


  1. I agree. I find the two party system stifling(?) to say the least. I'm afraid they've got us over a barrel though. even though I'm not affilated with either party. I was with green party for a while until they pissed me off when Nader was running & "they"(The people I know in the green party) were encouraging everyone to vote democrate to keep the republican out, instead of supporting their own party. I thought that was self defeating...I don't like politics anyway. it makes me frustrated

  2. Politics....

    Ha, ha, ha.

    Welcome to America.

  3. "Our so-called "representatives" in Washington spend most of their time trying to figure out what's right for Democrats or what's right for Republicans, not what's right for America and Americans."
    uhm... actually they spend most of their time schmoozing for money for their re-election campaign.

  4. Yes! The political system is destroying America by feeding the needs of big corporations and evil religious groups instead of "We The People"

  5. Now that the Dems have control of Congress, we have to at least give them a chance. It's not like we really have any choice, anyway.



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