Monday, January 22, 2007


This morning, like, totally sucked. I was completely out of coffee, other than the instant variety that I drink while backpacking. BLEH! Any hot liquid tastes okay if you're out in the wilderness and it's cold outside, but in place of real coffee, it just doesn't work.

I got home this evening, and ... what's this??? Huh. I wonder what could be in that box? Yay! It's coffee! And the investigator of open boxes, the Mighty Fang, looking at the mouth of said open box with suspicion (whoa, wonder what evil he believes is in there? Are his ears tipped back because he has spied the evil Box Monster???).

Life is good.

-- Badtux the Well-Coffee'ed Penguin


  1. It seems much more likely the Mighty Fang was checking for those twins threats to the holy sanctity of the revered juice of the brown bean, cream'n'sugar. After all, if Good Jeebus had meant coffee to have cream'n'sugar, would have meade the beans with cream'n'sugar, since the Good Jeebus doesn't make mistakes.

    Except for bush. And Cheney. And Rice. And Wolfowitz and Feith, and Foley, and Santorum, and Gingrich...


    Well, Good Jeebus doesn't make mistakes with coffee!

  2. Oops, that shoulda been, "HE would have MADE the beans..."

    See what happens if I try to type without finishing the third cuppa?

  3. yea -- good for you!!

    my cats do the same thing...plyay in boxes -- why i never recycle my boxes until weeks after getting packages!

  4. You get coffee delivered to your house? Nice . . .

  5. Evil Spock, the coffee in question is not available in any store outside of Louisiana. It is the state coffee of Louisiana (by act of the Louisiana legislature!). Go to for more information.

    Since I can't buy it in the stores, I buy it off their web site. But sometimes I miscalculate how long it'll take for the coffee to get here. Like this time, when the coffee got here one day after the last shipment ran out...

    - Badtux the Caffeinated Penguin

  6. ONE day after the last shipment ran out?? How the HELL do you do that?!? Mine usually runs out the day after I place an order, then I have to wait 7-10 days (business days which are not holidays anywhere in the universe), so I usually get the box about 4 months after I needed it. Which is why I keep a can of Folgers for emergencies.

    Andrew618, the non-caffeinated, non-planning, non-good-luck-affected non-penguin

  7. Experience, Andrew. I know exactly how many days it takes coffee to get from Louisiana to here. I wouldn't have been one day late if it hadn't been for MLK Day (agh! hate it when that happens!).

    - Badtux the Experienced Penguin


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