Tuesday, January 30, 2007

We are ruled by idiots

Now they're insisting that Iran is behind all the violence in Iraq.

That's ridiculous. Iran's man is currently President of Iraq. The last thing he, or Iran, wants in Iraq is violence intended to overthrow the (Iranian-supported) Iraqi government. But hey, any old bullshit is good enough, I guess, if you're an idiot and the 29% of "dead enders" who support you are also idiots.

As a commentator on Balloon Juice points out when replying to a Bushbot: Your team has been wrong about EVERY SINGLE FUCKING THING HAVING TO DO WITH IRAQ SINCE 1985 AND ESPECIALLY SINCE 2002 AND IN REGARD TO EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THIS WAR. Wrong. And want to pick your nose here on our time and talk about “reality?” You wouldn’t know reality if it bit you on the left nut.

Indeed. Indeed.

-- Badtux the non-idiot Penguin


  1. "We are ruled by idiots"

    Ah, I'm reminded of my coffee cup.

    Well, buddy, being as you have all the answers.

    Fix it.....

    How long do you need?

    Six months? A year?

  2. Oceania is at war with Iran. Oceania has always been at war with Iran. Any statements to the contrary are hereby declared Double-Plus Ungood.

  3. Why should I fix it? I didn't break it.

    My advice: Pull the troops out of Iraq, let the Iraqis figure out for themselves who is going to rule the country, then start throwing 1/10th of the $100B/year we're spending now at them. I guarantee you that sending whoever runs Iraq $10B per year is going to make them a WHOLE lot friendlier with us than having our troops rattling around blowing up shit. And it'd be a helluva lot cheaper too.

    Yeah, it kinda sucks that we probably would end up throwing cash at some not-very-nice folks, but hey, that didn't stop us from throwing cash at Manuel Noriega and Saddam Hussein "back in the day", right?

    -Badtux the Practical Penguin

  4. Yep, going into Iraq placed the Iranian friendly Shiite in control. Iran should be loving us right now.

    That is why 60% of Iranians believe their President is more Looney than ours, we basically gave them Iraq.

  5. wow - great!! i think you got the quote of the week here -- we are ruled by idiots!!!!


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