Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The woes of a high-tech penguin

I want to move my web site to a bigger server. I can move it to a bigger/faster server with twice the memory and twice the hard drive space for the same price I'm currently paying for a smaller server. But Debian 4.0 Linux is coming out shortly, and installing Debian 3.1 only to have to update to Debian 4.0 shortly afterwards would require a disruption of service. The current web site works okay, just very slow at serving dynamic requests (due to all the spam banging into it since it shares the same server as email), so the only prudent thing to do is to wait for Debian 4.0 to come out before I do it.

I want to buy an Apple Macbook. Recent upgrades to the amount of memory and hard drive space in the Macbook make it very sweet. But there is a major upgrade to MacOS coming out in the next few months, so I'd be silly to buy a Macbook right now.

This penguin HATES waiting :-(. The life of a high-tech penguin is such a pain...

-- Badtux the High-tech Penguin


  1. Oh, I know that, Fixah, but I'm an AMERICAN! I want it NOW! WAAAAaaah!

    - Badtux the American Penguin


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