Left: One of those uncivilized savages benefiting from affirmative action.
We don't need affirmative action anymore (nevermind what that Democratic commie Gerald Ford said about how he supported affirmative action at his alma mater, the University of Michigan) because, duh, America is the land of racial equality. Why, the darkies even have the right to get up and dance on national television nowdays, not like back in the day when they knew their place and didn't take white men's jobs! Nevermind that there study that shows that employers prefer hiring white criminals to hiring black men with no criminal record, that's just facts, and everybody knows that those "fact" thingies are just liberal propaganda. Reality is that all of them darkies are just criminals, even the ones who jump out in front of a moving train to save the life of a white man, so it's just RIGHT that white criminals would be preferred by employers!
What matters is faith, faith I say! I have FAITH that white men are discriminated against, and that's all I need, I don't need none of them "fact" thingies! Why, Rush Limpdick was telling me the other day that the University of Michigan was giving admissions to jungle bunnies based on nothing more than color, so they're all a bucha COMMIES! Darn commie egg-heads! David Horriblitz was right, how DARE these university egg-heads indoctrinate our children with those liberal "fact" thingies, when they ought to be indoctrinating our children instead with our prejudices and faith in the Invisible Sky Demon!
Remember, facts are just liberal propaganda. You gotta have faith, faith I say, in our Lord and Savior George W. Bush and His holy jihad to do away with all that "affirmative action" stuff and make university admissions based soley on merit! Why, isn't having the right pappy and grandpappy merit enough, after all?!
-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
It seems to me that you did not read the link on the U. of Michigan "affirmative action" program. It is "discrimination" only in that it allows people of color to get into college and succeed at levels equal or greater than that of white people. Without this consideration, people of color were locked out of the U. of Michigan system, even though it was *proven* that if allowed in by giving admission points to race, they performed just as well as whites.
ReplyDeleteSo where is the discrimination? It is clear that whatever other criteria they were for some reason under-computed the ability of blacks to perform in the U. of Michigan system, so should they have looked at things like the SAT's and quit using them because they are racially biased (under-estimate the future college performance of blacks), or should they have simply added 20 points (what they did) in order to compensate for the fact that the SAT has been proven to be flawed in estimating the future college performance of black youth?
I repeat: Where is the discrimination? Nobody ever proved any discrimination in the U. of Michigan case. The kids who brought the lawsuit against the U. of Michigan wouldn't have gotten in even in the absense of the affirmative action program, they simply did not qualify, regardless of whether blacks got those 20 points or not. The Supremes danced against the U. of Michigan based upon ideology, not upon facts, because facts simply do not support the notion that there was any discrimination involved in making sure that blacks were properly represented in the student body as befitted their native ability (as shown by outcome studies).
And BTW, I notice that you did not comment on the study that shows that business owners would rather hire a white criminal than a clean-cut black male. In the presense of such racial discrimination, how can you say that affirmative action -- making sure that blacks get a chance in the workplace rather than be turned away in favor of white criminals -- is somehow "inverse discrimination"? Are you *REALLY* saying that the fact that white criminals are given preference over qualified blacks with clean criminal records is not discrimination?!