Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Chimperor to military families

Left: Bush's message to Iraq / Afghanistan war veterans

Okay, so I'm over-using the image. But what other image would be appropriate, when we find that Defense Department officials have laid off most of their case workers who help severely injured service members? What other picture would adequately express the attitude towards veterans of a Commander-in-Chief who would eliminate the case workers for the Military Severely Injured Center, who serve as advocates for wounded service members who have questions or issues related to benefits, financial resources and their successful return to duty or reintegration into civilian life - all forms of support other than medical care?

Of course, since this represents Dear Leader's attitude towards anybody who is not a millionaire (his "base"), I suppose I could use this image on virtually any post that references Dear Leader...

- Badtux the Visual Penguin

Hat tip to the Alternate Brain


  1. He's an absolute disgrace to this country.

  2. Have you ever seen that animated GIF where he furtively flips the bird to the cameraman and then snickers, like he's 12 years old? That's my favorite Chimperor pic. Unfortunately, Blogger doesn't allow image tags in comments, or I'd link to it. However, you can download it from this Daily Kos story.


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