Sunday, January 14, 2007

War for Oil

I have no problem with the notion of going to war for oil. I like driving my Jeep, and nothing but disdain for the lefty types who chant "no blood for oil!" and want us all riding electric bicycles. Frankly, if Dear Leader had said "This is a war to secure Iraq's oil for America and Americans" and then deployed the troops to protect the oilfields, I'd be chanting "USA! USA!" and waving the American flag just as loudly as anybody. Politically incorrect? Hell yeah! But at least it'd make sense.

But this notion of sending American troops into the middle of a civil war in order to support one side of the civil war (the Iranian side) against the other side of the civil war (the Saudi side) sounds... err... what's the word... oh yeah, STUPID. Why do I care who wins the Iraqi Civil War? Let the Iraqis solve their own civil war. Taking money out of my pocket at gunpoint to benefit Iran (by having our troops defend the Iranian-supported Iraqi government) is just plain dumb. I pay my taxes to benefit America and Americans, not to benefit Iraqis or Iranians or for that matter Bosnians or Darfurians (yeppers, I also opposed sending U.S. troops to Bosnia and Kosovo, WTF did that have to do with America and Americans?!).

Remember, folks: There ain't no oil in Baghdad. So why the hell do we have over 100,000 troops in the Baghdad area right now?? Other than that it gives Dear Leader a great big boner and allows war profiteers to loot my pocketbook using the jackboots of the IRS?

I realize that the notion that our government is supposed to serve America and Americans, rather than some funny-talkin' furriners overseas who pay no taxes to the IRS, is sorta heretical nowdays. What can I say. I'm old fashioned that way.

-- Badtux the Politically Incorrect Penguin


  1. I'm following links from deudderson...I love his blog and I'm glad I came here. Great stuff...I enjoyed my stay.

  2. But, what if you hadn't been born in America? What if you had been born in Iraq? What if you was a Muslim? What is wrong with electric bikes? You must be making some good money, the more money people make and the more they can spoil themselves, the less they care about the rest of the world. In general of course, there is always exceptions. Just saying.

    So I guess that now you are saying that you are proud that you are a spoiled American? Correct me if I'm wrong.

  3. There's a million different reasons people on the left and right have for why we invaded Iraq. Oil, Israel, freedom, WMD's, etc.

    Personally, I think that a major factor (NOT the only factor, but a pretty significant one) is, quite simply, Dubya's ego and personal pride. He wanted to one-up his daddy, who never ousted Saddam, and show that he could do what his daddy never did, which is to get Iraq under his thumb.

    And he doesn't have the emotional maturity to admit that Iraq has turned into a debacle, because it would mean admitting he's wrong. He can't do that.

    Dubya's ego wasn't the only factor in invading Iraq, but it was a significant factor. But I believe that his ego is the primary factor in his refusal to leave now.

  4. BBC, seems like you're forgetting that we're all monkeys.

    I wasn't a fan of the notion of invading Iraq. Invading and conquering foreign countries is the act of an empire, not the act of a democracy, and frankly I wasn't fond of the notion of giving up the democratic experiment in order to conduct wars of foreign aggression. But if you're going to do it, do it right. Do it in a way that justifies yanking dollars out of my pocketbook to pay for it. Do it for a reason that benefits me somehow, such as, say, seizing Iraq's oil for my benefit.

    In short, my attitude towards Bush's invasion of Iraq was, "Oh crap. Let's just hope he does it right."

    He didn't, of course.

    -Badtux the Obvious Penguin

  5. I wrote a long comment, but because I changed to the new blogger, google and blogger, together, lost my comment. I don't feel like typing all that again.

    Anyway, it's pretty poor that we continue to make enemies instead of friends out of other countries.

    HOwever, I guess there are some silver linings... such as Iran and Venezuala + a couple other South American countries are finding friendship, together.

    I always think it's nice when countries can get along.


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