Friday, January 05, 2007

Even the town drunk...

realizes that the hanging of Saddam Hussein was a lynching, rather than an execution.

Hitch hasn't been sober since LBJ was President, but some things are just so obvious that even the town drunk can figure them out...

As another Chris says: Yet the fact remains: Saddam -- who had been a murderous blunderer throughout his reign, not unlike a certain brush-cutting goober from Crawford -- managed to pull off a PR masterstroke at the end. The level of sheer idiocy and incompetence it would take to make Saddam look good even for a nano-second is almost inconceivable; yet the remarkable Mr. Bush and his team were obviously up to the challenge.

George W. Bush is the only goober on this planet who is so stupid that he can make even a two-bit thug like Saddam Hussein look like a martyr.

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin


  1. Great Zombie Jesus. Is this really possible? The Human Rum Blossom is suddenly starting to make actual sense again? Don't tell me that the decision of the American voter to put the adults back in charge of Congress is having some sort of trickle-down effect on the nation's punditocracy. I mean, what's next, a lucid editorial from the Wall Street Journal? Bill O' Reilly resigning from television to join a Trappist monestary and taking a lifelong vow of silence?

    We can only hope.

  2. Mission accomplished!



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