Monday, January 22, 2007

Choice day

It has been brought to my attention that this is the umpty-umpth anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which is not something to do with pirogues but, rather, has something to do with abortion.

Since I am male and therefore lack a uterus, I am not qualified to speak about abortion, and therefore will not. What I will say is that men who do speak about abortion are like Bush Administration officials who speak about the valor of military service -- they simply are not qualified to make any such statements due to lack of personal experience on their own part, and should STFU and let the folks with actual experience (women, in the case of pregnancy) decide this shit on their own, without us men mucking up the scenery.

-- Badtux the Male Penguin


  1. "Since I am male and therefore lack a uterus, I am not qualified to speak about abortion, and therefore will not."

    Why is it one penguin has more sense in his little flipper than the whole flippin bush administration?!?

  2. thanks for this my penguin friend! hugs!


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