Friday, January 19, 2007

World Nut Daily: The Aliens are Here!

Left: A demonstration of Ferengi mastery of foot-operated puppets and ventriloquism. Note that the puppet's mouth appears to be moving. Prehensile toes!

World Nut Daily has been all atwitter about UFO sightings lately. Are these delivery ships delivering the blood of virgins for our alien overlords' sustenance? Or is this just an attempt by our alien overlords to distract attention from the fact that our Secretary of State is a Klingon and our Dear Leader's Puppetmaster is a Ferengi? Or is it just that World Nut Daily is run by incurious morons who see spaceships in photos of aircraft landing lights and never think to go query local airports about their landing patterns on those days? Curious penguins want to know!

-- Badtux the Conspiracy Penguin

In memory of Robert Anton Wilson(January 18, 1932 – January 11, 2007)


  1. In honor of both Robert Anton Wilson and our esteemed 38th President, a man who will one day stand astride American history like a proud colossus, I am retiring the name "Pope Nixon." From this day forward, you may refer to me as Gerald Fnord.

    (Besides, Poping is hard work. Just like Presidenting.)

  2. If I were Ferengi or Klingon, I'd be really insulted by this.

    The galactically PC Cornfield Jane.


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