Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Silly Muslims think they live in a free country

"They treated us like animals", said a man arrested for driving while Arab who was hauling a load of dangerous Auto Parts Of Mass Destruction to a major port to be shipped to South America so Osama bin Forgotten, hiding there with Adolph Hitler and Saddam Hussein, could use them to KILL US ALL!

Now, look. One of these men didn't immediately produce his papers. That's an obvious terrorist right there, right? I mean, it is our patriotic DUTY to carry our national ID cards so that our brave Dear Leader and His holy annointed administration can properly track us to make sure that we're doing our Holy duty to Dear Leader and His holy annointed administration. Remember, Dear Leader loves us and wants only the best for us! Remember, that "freedom" stuff is no good because if we have it, the terrorists will KILL US ALL! Do you want to die? Do you? No? Then you have to be willing to give up every bit of freedom so that Dear Leader can protect you!

Rights? Pshaw. Rights are only for good white Christian men, not for these heathen darkies. They should be glad we allow them to live rather than shooting them down like the dogs they are. Remember, if you're not a white male native-born Christian by-God American, you're not REALLY human, and you live only because we let you live!

Oh wait. I'm a penguin. Err... just call me the Michelle Malkin of waterfowl...

-- Badtux the Republican Penguin
(Tongue firmly in beak)

1 comment:

  1. I say we round 'em up and put 'em in camps... THEN we'll be safe!



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