Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy fucking new year

Not so happy for the families of the 3002 American soldiers dead in Iraq, or the families of the 500,000 or so Iraqis killed by American soldiers or American misrule of Iraq, but what the fuck, they're just untermenschen, unseemly mud people. It's not like they're white middle class (non-Catholic) Christian Americans, you know, REAL people, so it's just fine to treat them like tin soldiers to use and abuse and destroy. After all, didn't Jesus Christ himself say, "go kill all them darky motherfuckers"? So let's just send more troops, more bombs, kill more of them unseemy darkies! It's the American fucking way, after all. Just as the million+ American Indians that "we" Americans slaughtered like fucking cattle over the first 100 years of our nation's existence, or the millions of unseemly mud people that we hauled over from Africa and used like tools to use and then discard when finished with them, or, or the several million Indochinese that we slaughtered and made rivers run red with blood in order to make happy happy time for American defense contractors (because there sure the fuck wasn't any American interests at hand in that godforsaken piece of shit jungle), or the thousands of Spaniards we slaughtered to seize Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Phillipines, or the millions of Filipinos we slaughtered to make the Phillipines fucking safe for Christian missionaries (nevermind that the northern part of the Phillipines had been Catholic for, like, CENTURIES, we had to go teach them unseemly darkies that dying for America is the only way to go!)... but hey, look, that's fucking HISTORY, and history is just fucking liberal LIES, y'know? Gotta go, gotta turn on my TV and watch Fox News so I can know what I'm supposed to fucking believe today...

Gotta go. Drink is calling. Happy fucking new year.

-- Badtux the "Probably shouldn't post this" Penguin


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