Saturday, November 15, 2008

Thanksgiving week and run-up

Blogging will be light these next two weeks. But don't go away, I'm going to queue up a lot of cat pictures (one per day) for Blogger to post on the appropriate days ;-).

-- Badtux the Blogging Penguin


  1. hey man, how u been, havent been making rounds since i opened my store for dogs but i will get better. be safe scholar

  2. Felines we can believe in!

  3. Badtux, don't you know that readers are like catz? We are not concerned that you might have other things to do with your so-called life. We expect to be fed fresh snark. At least once every day, if not several times! Or else we can go to that nice old lady's blog several IP addresses down, the one with the tiny, expensive cans of snark that she gives us when we appear outside her door.

  4. Well tough, you're just going to have to settle for the cat pictures, me bukko! I've already queued up two weeks of cat pictures for your edumication, maybe after you watch all those cat pictures go by you will have the proper respect for your masters!

    -- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

  5. It's all good, Badtux. I live with a dog. My only exposure to felines is via the interwebs.


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