Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gimme spider!

Wherein The Mighty Fang and Mencken are intently staring at a spider crawling across the ceiling. A few seconds later TMF looks at me and goes "Meeeeeerrrrow?". Sorry, TMF, I can't get the spider for you. Or, rather, won't!

-- Badtux the Arachniphobe Penguin


  1. He thought it came with mouse dressing and cranberry/catnip sauce...

  2. lol...such a cute post and pic BadTux!

    My felines don't let anything stop them from getting flies or bugs..they will try anything...seriously. ;)

    Hope you had a nice turkey and your kittehs!

  3. My cats do very well at keeping my property pest free. But I hope that they didn't get that cute little frog.

    I went to a community dinner, it was very good, I'm stuffed, not used to eating so much. Brought back a big plate of food for Helen also.

    I had some sort of chocolate pie, it was excellent. Other than that my day was pretty quite and peaceful.

    Happy and peaceful Thanksgiving.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, BT.

    I hope you killed a turkey to going the arachnid appetizer.


  5. i hope you and yours had a great holiday....... the spider knew better than to come down from the ceiling


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