Saturday, November 29, 2008

Cat TV

The Mighty Fang and Mencken entertain themselves by watching my (former) downstairs neighbors, the ones who carried on like a telenovella complete with the rapid-fire Spanish...

Boy I'm glad they're gone! Talk about your neighbors from hell, their kids tore up the landscaping, their patio always looked like an effin' rummage sale complete with old sofa (how redneck!), and the only reason they didn't have five cars up on blocks in the front yard is that there is no front yard in this apartment complex (heh!).

-- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin


  1. well something is going on down there

  2. For your audience.

  3. We had a downstairs neighbor like that in our previous apartment. Had parties all night, dog that barked all night, blah, blah. The final straw came when one of his drunk buddies decided to decorate his door in Magic Marker. I turned to JS and said, "How long until they are so drunk they don't know what door they are at and get us?" We moved about two weeks later.

  4. Everthangs free in America.....EEEEaaaa ....especially bad neighbors

  5. Bad neighbors come, bad neighbors go. Right now both apartments below are vacant. Unfortunately those first-floor apartments are reserved for the handicapped and/or "reduced rent / affordable housing" residents under the agreement that got this apartment complex their building permit (no "affordable housing" = no building permit). On the upside, they rarely stay long before they get evicted for not paying the rent, or they get thrown out, or they find some cheaper place to rent and voluntarily move out...

    - Badtux the Renting Penguin


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